The day I came home from the hospital nine months into my life.
The day I came home from hospital

My remarkable battle against the odds for life

On September 28 1995 I came into the world, weighing only 800 grams (1.7 lb), and was just 13 centimeters (5.1 inches) long, being born 15 weeks premature at 25 weeks gestation. In 1995 viability was considered 28 weeks gestation. The neonatologists gave me a < 30% chance of survival. There were many complications to my pregnancy and I was required to be delivered by caesarean section. I was also born with septicemia (blood poisoning). The doctors didn’t believe I would survive my delivery and if I did, I wouldn’t live more than 30 minutes, due to my lungs and brain being too underdeveloped.

Why the first 72 hours were vital to my survival

The first 72 hours of life is critical; the neonatologists placed me in intensive care. For the first 48 hours of life, I managed to breathe on my own in cot oxygen. As I began to struggle, the decision was made to intubate me. I remained in intensive care, intubated for four months.

Progress was very much a roller-coaster ride, and there were many times I was not expected to live. However, after many surgeries and procedures, I was able to go home with my family on home oxygen.

About Princess Lilli Lilac

Lilli "camping" inside a teepee tent
Lilli “camping in the teepee tent”

Lilli is a purebred Ragdoll cat I bought when I was 16 years old. Ever since then, we have been inseperable, and she has earned several nicknames like:

  • Her Royal Highness (obvious cause she demands stuff)
  • Fluffy (She is literally that, a silky ball of fluff!)
  • Angel (Cause she is white, giving off a “holy” appearance)
  • Baby (Cause she goes limp when picked up)
  • Kitty (Cause she is a cat)
  • Snowball (Cause she literally looks like one)

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